How to Start a Club or Organization | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Interested in starting a new club? Follow these steps to find success!

  1. Complete a Student Organization Registration Form. Be sure to list an advisor and your executive board members.
  2. Provide a list of your membership. In order to be recognized as a club or organization, you'll need eight members to sign the registration form.
  3. Complete the Advisor Agreement Form.
  4. Provide a general overview of your club's mission and goals.

Once your club or organization has been approved by the Student Government Association (SGA), you can proceed with the next steps.

  1. Create a constitution for your group. Check out this sample document.
  2. Complete the Anti-hazing Agreement with your club members.


Contact the Office of Student Activities and Campus Union at (413) 748-3142 or You also can swing by the office, located in the Flynn Campus Union.